Sunday, August 29, 2010

Buckhorn Springs Heritage Cookbook is here!!

Hello again Friends of Buckhorn!

While we were wrapping up the
Buckhorn Springs Heritage Cookbook we decided to put the blog on hold. With recipes by Leslie, design by Lauren and history by Bruce at long last, dare I say that it is finished.

After a family backpacking trip to Montana, Bruce and Leslie Sargent made their way to the printing site in Altona, Manitoba Canada. Upon careful investigation, Friesens was the printing company we decided to go with. Bruce and Leslie were met with a hard working team of experts and a plethora of huge (and fast) equipment.

The Sargent’s stayed at the printing site all day as each double-sided 16 page sheet of the 240 page book was approved and sent through the massive printer. They literally got to see thousands of copies printed in front of their eyes in a matter of hours. Although some last minute changes had to be made to the dust jacket, everything went smoothly.

On September 10th, 3,000 copies of the long awaited Buckhorn Springs Heritage Cookbook will arrive in Ashland Oregon, hot off the press. We are planning a book opening on Sunday October 3rd at Buckhorn, we would love to see you all there.

Stay tuned for more information about this special event, where you will have the opportunity to purchase your very own Buckhorn Heritage Cookbook at an early bird rate!

Until next time,
